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Kamis, 12 Desember 2013

Home » » Epidemic



Wabah adalah kejadian berjangkitnya suatu penyakit menular dalam masyarakat yang jumlah penderitanya meningkat secara nyata melebihi dari pada keadaan yang lazim pada waktu dan daerah tertentu serta dapat menimbulkan mala petaka (UU No 4. Tahun 1984).
Suatu wabah dapat terbatas pada lingkup kecil tertentu (disebut outbreak, yaitu serangan penyakit) lingkup yang lebih luas (epidemi) atau bahkan lingkup global (pandemi).
Kejadian atau peristiwa dalam masyarakat atau wilayah dari suatu kasus penyakit tertentu yang secara nyata melebihi dari jumlah yang diperkirakan.

Wabah adalah istilah umum untuk menyebut kejadian tersebarnya penyakit pada daerah yang luas dan pada banyak orang, maupun untuk menyebut penyakit yang menyebar tersebut.

Common source outbreak
In a common source outbreak, the affected individuals had an exposure to a common agent. If the exposure is singular and all of the affected individuals develop the disease over a single exposure and incubation course, it can be termed a point source outbreak. If the exposure was continuous or variable, it can be termed a continuous outbreak or intermittent outbreak, respectively.
Propagated outbreak
In a propagated outbreak, the disease spreads person-to-person. Affected individuals may become independent reservoirs leading to further exposures.
Many epidemics will have characteristics of both common source and propagated outbreaks. For example, secondary person-to-person spread may occur after a common source exposure or an environmental vectors may spread a zoonotic diseases agent.

  • Airborne transmission: Airborne transmission is the spread of infection by droplet nuclei or dust in the air. Without the intervention of winds or drafts the distance over which airborne infection takes place is short, say 10 to 20 feet.
  • Arthropod transmission: Arthropod transmission takes place by an insect, either mechanically through a contaminated proboscis or feet, or biologically when there is growth or replication of an organism in the arthropod.
  • Biological transmission: Involving a biological process, e.g. passing a stage of development of the infecting agent in an intermediate host. Opposite to mechanical transmission.
  • Colostral transmission: A form of vertical transmission via successive generations.
  • Contact transmission: The disease agent is transferred directly by biting, sucking, chewing or indirectly by inhalation of droplets, drinking of contaminated water, traveling in contaminated vehicles.
  • Cyclopropagative transmission: The agent undergoes both development and multiplication in the transmitting vehicle.
  • Developmental transmission: The agent undergoes some development in the transmission vehicle.
  • Fecal-oral transmission: The infectious agent is shed by the infected host in feces and acquired by the susceptible host through ingestion of contamined material.
  • Horizontal transmission: Lateral spread to others in the same group and at the same time; spread to contemporaries.
  • Mechanical transmission: The transmitter is not infected in that tissues are not invaded and the agent does not multiply.
  • Propagative transmission: The agent multiplies in the transmission vehicle.
  • Vertical transmission: From one generation to the next, perhaps transovarially or by intrauterine infection of the fetus. Some retroviruses are transmitted in the germ line, i.e. their genetic material is integrated into the DNA of either the ovum or sperm.
Prevention of Outbreaks

When the causative organism, its source, and transmission lines are known, it may be easier to explain the cause of the outbreak. Countermeasures depending on the type of disease encountered. The main strategy alleviation of infectious diseases can be summarized in three parts
Primary prevention is achieved through all the actions listed in the column 'break the chain of transmission' and 'protect the vulnerable', accompanied by the eradication of animal reservoir. When all these steps are executed correctly, the number of new cases can dikkurangi drastically. So, bekalan clean water and sewage properly can prevent the spread of cholera, eradication of Anopheles mosquitoes can reduce the spread of malaria, and immunization can protect children from diseases such as smallpox.
Secondary prevention can be achieved by finding subclinical cases and carriers, surveillance, and contact tracing.
Tertiary prevention is treatment action cases or carriers so no germs can spread further. Therefore, the first element outbreak response is as follows:
·         Eradicate the source and cut the transmission
Prevent the use of contaminated water or sterilized water before use, destroy contaminated food, as well as vector perbiakan place. Health education plays an important role in these activities and may need to be supported by legislation.
·         Treat and isolate all cases
The type of treatment given depends on the disease and also means, as well as the equipment available.
·         Improve endurance locals
Some types of infectious diseases can be prevented by drugs (eg, malaria) or immunization (eg, polio and measles). Keep in mind, that for the outbreak of some diseases, such as typhoid and cholera, vaccine virtually ineffective.
·         Ongoing surveillance
During the acute phase of an outbreak, should remain supervised persons suspected of having the disease risk. As soon as the outbreak was contained, surveillance needs to be run to find a new case, to be effective. Because the routine reporting system may not be adequate for this, the surveillance society is an important tool to recognize and report any new cases.


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